Posts Tagged ‘online lead generations’


Finally Defining the Difference Between Qualified Transfers and Warm Transfers.

June 15, 2009

We have hundreds of conversations a month with various clients and potential clients regarding lead generation services of all sorts and it has become apparent that we have a failure to communicate.  So we wanted to take a few moments to define the differences in a few key terms ; pre-qualified transferred leads VS. warm/hot transfers.

In our world the terms are the same, but in the general market they are very different.  A pre-qualified transferred lead is one in which the consumer meets all the qualifications for the product/service offered, the call is transferred so that all three parties are on the line, the caller reconfirms 1 – 3 main questions, the call center then exits the call leaving the consumer and the end user, that is a true hot transfer. We have pre-qualified the consumer so that when the closer is on the line they can do what they do best which is CLOSE, resulting in a higher conversion rate to you the client. This process is literally a step shy of us actually closing the deal on behalf of our clients.  A hot transfer in the general market seems to mean that a live person is on the phone and they are interested in the product/service offered and are then blind transferred. (this means the call center simply forwards the call, forgoing any three way conversation)

This difference in terminology means we end up talking about two entirely different scenarios with new clients, as they explain to us why a hot transfer program doesn’t work and we are left scratching our heads.

As with any new client we will always ask:

How much does it cost you to get an order for your product/service?

To arrive at this number you should ask yourself:

How many qualified conversations does it takes to get an order?
How many leads does it take to get a qualified conversation?

Once you understand the above, your marketing will make sense. It is then up to you to work with your vendors to obtain as many qualified conversations as possible at a cost that maintains or exceeds your return on investment goals.

Feel free to contact us regarding our custom marketing programs.

Direct Response Pros, Inc.
3053 W Craig Rd Ste. E #101
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Accounting: accounting

Toll Free: 1-800-947-1142
Phone: 702-987-4659
Fax: 702-947-6597


Cash Buys, Per Inquiry and Hybrid Advertising – What’s the difference and why does it matter?

January 2, 2009

What is considered a cash buy, why would I want to do this with no guarantee and what kind of results can I expect?

Cash buys or paid media is when you define a budget, target a specific demographic and can target a specific city, state, region or reach a national audience for your direct response advertising campaigns. You can control your budget on a weekly basis, which will help you control your call center labor, create constant consistent inbound calls and allow you to work on your sales process and flow. You will also be able to optimize your campaign in order to gain the lowest cost per calls that lead to the highest lead quality. Typically after a careful analysis we are able to determine a cost per call range prior to executing a test campaign. Once a test campaign is implemented we can begin the optimization process by fine tuning creative and ad placement.

What is per inquiry advertising, how does it work and is it right for me?

Per inquiry advertising is where various radio, TV and/or print outlets are willing to air commercials during periods where there inventory has not been sold in return for a fixed payout based on a trackable action, typically a unique inbound call lasting greater then 30 seconds in length. Each call that meets this criteria creates a payable action for the both the outlet and end user. Per inquiry media can generate a substantial amount of inbound calls, guarantees you a fixed cost, is semi-targeted, hard to adjust on the fly and may not be dependable as your only source of inbound leads. Another important point is you may end up paying too much for per inquiry advertising if you do not have any metrics supported by your cash buys.

How can I benefit from a hybrid campaign?

At some point during your paid media campaign you will hit a saturation point, where each additional cost per call will go up, which in turn increases your cost per order/conversion. At this point you may need additional volume as your campaign becomes more successful and you desire to expand. You have perfected your sales process and now it makes sense to blend per inquiry advertising with your paid media.

To find out how Direct Response Pros, Inc. can help your direct response radio, TV or print program contact us:

Direct Response Pros, Inc.
3053 W Craig Rd Ste. E #101
North Las Vegas, NV 89032


Toll Free: 1-800-947-1142
Phone: 702-987-4659
Fax: 702-947-6597


Travel Leads – Online Travel Lead Generation

October 15, 2008

Travel Leads

Fields Collected:  First/Last Name, Phone 1, Phone 2, E-mail address

Offer: Typically a free vacation or hotel stay

Cost Per Lead: $2.94

15% Scrub (Bad Number Allowance): -$.44

Net Cost: $2.50

Volume Available: 50 – 5000 leads per day

Payment Terms: Deposit Against Leads

Test Order: 250 leads @ 50 leads per day

Launch Time: 5 – 10 business days

Lead Delivery: Real time posted leads to your data base


Contact Us 


Toll Free: 1-800-947-1142
Phone: 702-987-4659
Fax: 702-947-6597